
International Robotic Olympiad 2014 Result [Revised] 機械奧運會國際賽賽果 [賽果更正]

大會就 國際機械奧運會 2014 比賽當日成績結果有所覆核。請各位按以下連結查閱所修正的賽果。未收到獎杯的學校,請以電郵向本會聯絡。

Result of the International Robotic Olympiad 2014 has been revised as followed. If any participants have not received their trophy, please feel free to email us for relevant arrangement.

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Please click here to download the result [revised]

國際機械奧運會 2014 已於 二零一四年八月六日假 香港大學陸佑堂舉行。當天比賽雲集來自六個地區一共五百多位中小學生同場競技。儘管比賽當天程序受雷雨所影響,但各地區參賽代表依然熱血應戰,志氣可嘉!無論各參賽者得獎如否,我們衷心希望大家都會在這次比賽之中有所體會和得著。

The International Robotic Olympiad 2014 held on August 6 at the University of Hong Kong successfully concluded. This year, we had approximately 600 youngsters from 6 different regions, gathering under the same roof competing in 65 games. Despite there were some delay in our schedule due to the thunderstorm, our contestants remained passionate during the event. We hoped it was a valuable experience to all participants, not only over the competition for medals, but also inspiration and cultural exploration. It was an occasion where contestants exhibited their great performance in this arena. It was also an opportunity for learning of different culture, mutual respect, team spirit and self-discipline.
Please allow us to express our gratitude to the University of Hong Kong, the co-organizer, for their generous support and sponsorship.  We are also grateful for our other sponsors and partners for their unfailing support over the past years.
Congratulation to all the awardees! See you next year! 
下載比賽成績 [更新]
Please click here to download the result [revised]

